On March 13, we are organizing a meeting together with Re:publiek and the municipality of Almere, focused on urban development, particularly the (re)positioning of city centers and areas. Since the introduction of the Zeegroene Loper in 2020, Almere’s city center has been in full motion. We will showcase how art and spatial interventions contribute to creating a dynamic and attractive living environment. During this meeting, we will present both our individual projects and joint cases, illustrating how our approach can elevate a city to the next level.

Where we started in 2020 with the development of the concept and the first interventions, in January we signed an agreement to work together with Sandt & Co and Carte Blanche to address the bus station. The first ideas are already quite exciting and will be further developed in the coming months.

Are you interested in attending this meeting? Feel free to send an email to info@enterthemothership.com.