October 27 several banners with aphorisms by our famous compatriot Erasmus were revealed at the Boompjes. This was the first step of the concept Erasmus Adagia, that will slowly take over the city.
Menawhile several sayings by the big thinker that was born in Rotterdam enrich the city. At the short side of Hotel Emma at the Nieuwe Binnenweg you can read “The whole world is my homeland”, entering the tube at Central Station you are told that “Space seperates bodies, not minds”, leaving the subway at the Wilhelminaplein you are shown “Young people are a country’s hope” and the air ducts at the Central Station read “Let everyone honor his own beliefs without insulting those of others”.
Since December 9 you find the latest on the air ducts at the Kruisplein: “The most important condition for happiness is wanting to be what you are”. A saying with eternal value… All phrases are in the handwriting of designer Tom Bontan of Bijdevleet.
Mothership trusts the residents of Rotterdam to enter 2016 with all this wisdom in their hearts.